category focus : headshot

most of the memories added to rewind will fall under the main categories of PERSONAL, PLACES, SOCIAL, PEOPLE and of course RANDOM, but other categories shouldn’t be overlooked, as they…

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algorithm & blues…

in 1993, the internet barely existed.  fast forward thirty years and more than five billion of us spend trillions of collective hours living and working online.  yet, this expansive digital…

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category focus : journal…

I’ve never kept a diary myself.  the commitment of writing something/anything everyday always seemed overwhelming and writing just the odd thought now and again seemed fairly pointless and would result…

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our digital habits…

if there’s one thing the internet excels at, it’s without doubt the ability to provide endless ways and opportunities for us to waste time, and for that, it’s unrivalled… so…

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from nothing to something…

the best thing about being a solopreneur ? no-one tells you what to do… the worst thing about being a solopreneur ? no-one tells you what to do ! bootstrapping,…

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the power of audio…

we all love a story, but sometimes it’s not the story itself that makes us smile, it’s the familiar voice of the person telling it there’s more than one way…

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startup parenting…

in 2017, my wife and I co-founded and launched a human startup that we called Chloe and in 2021, I solo bootstrapped and launched a B2C digital startup, called rewind…

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online visibility…

privacy isn’t optional and shouldn’t be the price we pay for going online… there is no agreement over what constitutes private information.  it varies among cultures, genders and individuals and…

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minor moments…

our lives are not simply made up of days, weeks, months or years, but of moments.  small, seemingly insignificant moments that sometimes provide a little happiness and remind us that…

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social validation…

the desire to document our lives is nothing new, but where does the need to publish it come from ?  why is acknowledgement and the approval of strangers so important…

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how it all began…

back in 2018, I had been thinking about the tonne of the places I’d been to, the crazy amount of things I had seen and done, the myriad of people…

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as we get older, it becomes increasingly easier to drown in nostalgia, but one of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present, is to recall happy times…

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you are the product…

virtually every free app you have on your phone is spying on you it’s no secret that for the social networks, collecting, analysing and then selling your personal data to…

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your life, sorted…

rewind isn’t just one, endless timeline that you have to scroll for miles to find what you’re looking for, it’s more of a locked filing cabinet and only you have…

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before it’s too late…

you’ll never regret spending time with those closest with you… memories of time spent with family and friends and the moments shared with the older generation become more valuable with…

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quality not quantity…

we all love to capture special moments and experiences for posterity and photos are an excellent way to remind you of a specific feeling or emotion from a time gone…

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sharing’s caring…

despite the average Facebook user having a staggering 338 friends, most consider only around 100 of them to be actual friends, so clearly not every memory is meant for that…

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remember when…

life isn’t just a collection of personal memories.  now and then things happen of such magnitude or cultural relevance that almost all of us remember them.  admittedly, the news is…

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privacy, for older kids…

65% of teens upload photos of themselves to socials and 55% admitted to have given personal info, photos or physical descriptions to someone they don’t know.  a child’s right to…

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privacy, for younger kids…

reality check : photos and info shared on socials could show up in search algorithms for years to come most par­ents who post pho­tos, videos and details of their kids…

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